TDD Study Groups Week 2 – Refactoring

May 31, 2012

Two weeks ago, we discussed refactoring in our TDD study groups, and it’s time for some updates and statuses from what we’ve learned (from completing the stories) as well as some discussion on the readings we did. But first…

Blogging Update

For our group, we’ve got a new blog up and running. Derek Plote has made a few posts about his personal experiences running TDD over on his blog here, so head over and give those a read.

Book Keeping

‘Why is this being posted a week late’, you may ask. Well, we took this last week off to better accomodate finishing off our homework and having a team member unable to attend, and personally, I use writing these recaps as a memory aid – writing these posts gets me back into the groove and serves as a useful refresher for what lessons we’ve learned thus far.

Thoughts/Experiences from Programming Practice

  • Break our BDD Scenarios down into test.
  • Maybe the scenario tests more things than you want it to do.
  • Interested to see how our implementations have diverged – since we’re using the same scenarios.
  • Lots of valuable implementation specific discussion

Additional Homework



When do you refactor?
Pretty much these reasons, in our own words.


What is habitable?

  • Habitable = straightforward and easy to change based on our current needs
  • Is habitability dependant on your own knowledge of system?

Quote of the Week

The house is habitable, but the rooms are a mess. I don’t even know what the purpose of this room is, there’s a kitchen sink there, a toilet there… – DRP


  • We need to keep habitability in mind when making any changes to our projects.

Give Me More!

If this is your first viewing on week 2, you can look over at what we did for Week 1 here.
Also, there should be a new post up next week for week 3 where our focus will be more on Mocks and Stubs.